Parallel Session - More than two-thirds of OECD countries have developed national frameworks, development plans or surveys with a multidimensional well-being focus. Improving data timeliness and granularity is critical to ensure statistical quality and policy uptake in well-being, inequalities, and poverty. Timeliness ensures the accuracy of data especially in identifying shifts, for example at the onset of a crisis, while sufficient granularity is needed to understand the distribution of outcomes across the population. Significant innovations have emerged to respond to this need. Examples include nowcasting models, which provide real-time estimates of well-being outcomes, pulse surveys, which facilitate the collection of subjective data, and small area estimation, which refines understanding of the geographical distribution of outcomes. This parallel session discussed the need for more timely and granular well-being information, and showcase examples of innovation in this domain.
This session was moderated by Linda Laura Sabbadini, Former Director of Social and Environmental Statistics Department, ISTAT, and Chair Women 2021.