Gelsomina Vigliotti
Vice President, European Investment Bank LuxembourgGelsomina Vigliotti was DG for International Financial Relations at the Italian Treasury serving as Deputy Deputy to the G7 and G20 groups under the Italian G7 in 2017 and G20 Presidency in 2021. She served as Italian Alternate Governor of the major MDBs, as member of the EIB Board of Directors and of the Administrative Council of the Council of Europe Development Bank. From 2012 to 2015 Ms Vigliotti was Director for the European Union and the euro area issues at the Italian Treasury, Alternate at the Economic and Financial Committee and Alternate Director of the ESM. Degree in Political Science (LUISS), MSc in Economics (University of York), postgraduate studies at the University La Sapienza and at London School of Economics and Political Science. Currently MC Member at the EIB and Board Member at the EIF.